Name: Public Interest Law Association
Address: University of Virginia School of Law
580 Massie Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
ARTICLE II: Purpose.
PILA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of public interest law at the University of Virginia School of Law. Toward this end, PILA sponsors various events to create a supportive community of students interested in pursuing public interest law as a career or on a pro bono basis, to nurture the development of public interest law, and to educate the community at large of the importance of public interest legal work. Some of the events that PILA sponsors raise funds toward public interest law summer fellowships (known as PILA Grants). These grants are distributed to first- and second-year law students at the University of Virginia School of Law who are pursuing qualifying public sector employment and have demonstrated strong commitment to public service through pro bono and public service hours.
ARTICLE III: Membership.
PILA considers all currently enrolled law students who participate in PILA functions, and who support public service legal careers and other legal pro bono work, as members. All currently enrolled law students who have received PILA Grants are automatically considered members of PILA.
ARTICLE IV: Non-Discrimination.
PILA does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, veteran status, family medical or genetic information, or gender identity or expression. PILA also does not endorse any such discriminatory practices of organizations for which PILA Grant recipients choose to work during their fellowship summer.
ARTICLE V: Managing Board of Directors.
All Directors participate in the creation, revision, and administration of PILA policy. Directors must be officially registered students at the University of Virginia School of Law. Positions are set forth and described below, and may be added or amended as the Board deems necessary. More specific descriptions may be included in the PILA Bylaws. Managing Board positions include:
1. President (1). The President shall manage the administrative affairs of PILA in an organized and efficient manner. To this end, he or she shall institute and facilitate internal policies and practices that ensure the operation of PILA in a professional manner. The President shall also maintain the institutional records, files, and correspondence of PILA. The President shall keep track of the number of hours worked by grantees as well as enforcing grant forfeiture repayment policy. He/she also runs the Board selection process. In addition, the President shall act as general representative of PILA when necessary and appropriate.
2. Vice President/ Treasurer (1). The VP/Treasurer shall oversee all matters related to accounting of PILA finances in a responsible, efficient, and accurate manner. The VP/Treasurer shall keep the Board informed periodically of all funds and resources available to PILA and shall prepare appropriate financial reports whenever necessary. In addition, the VP/Treasurer shall maintain all financial records, files, and correspondence relating to PILA expenditures and receipts.
3. Auction Directors (7). The Auction Directors shall coordinate, promote, and manage all aspects of the annual Benefit Auction fundraiser. It is at the discretion of the Auction Committee or the outgoing Managing Board of Directors to select a Lead Auction Director. The entire Auction Committee shall keep the Board regularly informed of the status of the Auction throughout the year, including Auction expenses, and shall maintain all Auction records and files. In addition, the Auction Directors shall continually research and implement improvements to the Auction and its planning process.
4. Grants Director (1). The Grants Director shall coordinate and oversee the PILA Grant selection and disbursement processes for first- and second-year law students. The Disbursement Director shall, with the Public Service Center and Law School Foundation, obtain information necessary to propose an appropriate value for fellowships and other disbursement policies, and represent PILA during the grant award process. The Grants Director shall maintain accurate records of the number and status of grant recipients, keeping the Board apprised of such information.
5. Membership Directors (8). The Membership Directors shall propose and organize events to create a supportive community of students to encourage and educate about the pursuit of public interest law as a career or on a pro bono basis. It is at the discretion of the Membership Committee or the outgoing Managing Board of Directors to select a Lead Membership Director. The Membership Directors shall organize forums for students interested in public interest law to meet each other and discuss issues involving public interest law. The Membership Directors shall lead and oversee the 1L Representatives Committee and will implement and oversee other Membership Committees. The Membership Directors shall also lead and oversee the public service mentoring program. The Membership Committee shall oversee the organization and implementation of the Alternative Spring Break program. The Membership Committee’s programming may include revenue-raising events.
ARTICLE VI: Elections.
1. Eligibility. All applicants for Board positions must be registered as law students at the University of Virginia. Rising second- and third-year law students are eligible for all Board positions, except that there shall be a strong preference that both the second- and third-year classes be represented on the Board. In addition, there shall be a strong preference that the Board contains members from diverse student groups and programs. Individuals who have not made a good faith effort to satisfy outstanding obligations to PILA may be deemed by the Board to be ineligible for a Board position.
2. Terms of Office. The term of office for all Board members shall officially be a term of fourteen months, spanning from March/April of the election year to May of the following year.
3. Transition Period. The period from March/April to May shall be deemed a transition period where the outgoing Board finishes its responsibilities and the incoming Board begins to assume operational control. During the transition period, the outgoing Board retains responsibility for the Pledge Drive, the current year’s Disbursement Process, Admitted Students Day, and current committees. During this period, the two Boards shall meet together, with the incoming Board assuming control of all other areas of PILA activity. Both incoming and outgoing Board members shall have an equal vote during this period.
4. Procedure for Election. Applications for Board positions shall be made available to all members of the law school community. The current Board of Directors shall select new Board members from the pool of applicants by either voice vote or secret ballot.
5. Procedure for Removal. If three or more Board members feel that a Board member is not performing his or her duties adequately, the matter shall be discussed at the next full Board meeting. Written notice shall be given to the Board member in question at least seven days prior to the discussion of the matter. A Board member shall be removed from office if after discussions of the matter, 2/3 or more of the Board vote for removal.
6. Resignation from Board. If a Board member wishes to resign from office, he or she shall be required to continue his or her duties until a suitable replacement has been made.
7. Interim Elections. If a Board member is voted out of office or resigns, a call may immediately be made to the members of PILA and the general student body to find a replacement. The Board may expediently select a new Board member from all eligible applicants. Any new Board member’s term shall expire in May of the current school year.
ARTICLE VII: Committees.
The Board may create temporary or standing committees. Once created, such committees shall meet and conduct business regularly and report the status of their activities to the Board. Committees may be created or abolished by a majority vote of the Board. Committee membership may consist of any law students eligible for membership in PILA. PILA committees may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
1. Auction Committee(s). One or more Auction Committee(s) may be created as needed. The committee will usually consist of the Auction Directors and students who want to help with the Auction. The committee(s) will usually, but need not, consist of one or more Auction Directors. However, one or more Auction Directors must oversee the Committee(s). The Committee(s) must ensure that their activities and goals are consistent with PILA’s mission.
2. Membership Committee(s). One or more Membership Committee(s) may be created as needed. The committee will usually consist of the Membership Directors and students who want to help with Membership activities. The committee(s) will usually, but need not, consist of one or both Membership Directors. However, one or more Membership Directors must oversee the Committee(s). The Committee(s) must ensure that their activities and goals are consistent with PILA’s mission. The Committee(s) may engage in fundraising activities as appropriate.
3. First-Year PILA Committee. At least one Representative from each 1L section shall be chosen to represent the section on the First-Year PILA Committee. The Committee will meet as needed. The Representatives will disseminate information to their sections, solicit Auction donations, and participate in other activities to foster the public service community at University of Virginia School of Law. The Membership Directors shall oversee the Committee. The Board shall decide the structure for the following school year before leaving for the summer and communicate it to relevant parties, including the Head Peer Advisors.
1. Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have regular meetings, preferably once per month, but no less than twice per semester.
2. Quorum. At least 2/3 of the Board of Directors must be present to constitute a quorum for a transaction of PILA business.
3. Membership Meetings. General meetings of the members may be called at any time, with sufficient advance notice.
ARTICLE IX. Finances.
The VP/Treasurer shall account for all PILA finances. Directors who oversee fundraising events must submit a financial summary of each event they conduct to the VP/Treasurer and other Board members who request it. The VP/Treasurer shall work closely with the Law School Foundation Treasurer to obtain information regarding other monies NOT associated fundraising activities, including but not limited to: interest payments, IOLTA money, Equal Justice Works (formerly NAPIL) subsidies, matching funds, and forfeited grants.
1. Dues. No dues shall be required of any Board member or general member of PILA.
2. Financial Records and Accounts. PILA’s fiscal year shall begin on March 15. All monies collected in the fiscal year ending March 14 shall be used to fund PILA Grants for the upcoming summer, as well as expenses incurred during that fiscal year. The VP/Treasurer shall maintain records of the yearly revenue and expenses of PILA, reconciling these records with those kept by the Law School Foundation.
3. Deposits. Revenue collected from all fundraising activities and donations from any source shall be immediately deposited with the VP/Treasurer. The VP/Treasurer shall record such revenue and deliver it to the Law School Foundation Treasurer immediately.
4. Procedures for Expenditures. Proposed expenditures (other than minimal copy expenses and basic office supplies) shall be presented to and approved by the PILA VP/Treasurer, President, and relevant Board members prior to making such expenditures. The Director requesting such expenditures shall make a complete record of all expenditures for fundraising, social, and all other PILA events.
5. Report of Expenses. The VP/Treasurer shall prepare a summary of all major expenses as they are incurred, and report this information at each regular Board meeting.
ARTICLE X: Amendments.
Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be presented in writing at or before any Board meeting. The proposed amendments shall be discussed and any necessary revisions to the proposed amendments shall be made. After the initial meeting, a written copy of the proposed amendments shall be distributed to all Board members, along with written notice of the date of the final vote. The notice of vote and copy of the proposed amendment must be given to all Board members at least four days prior to the date of the final vote. Proposed amendments shall be adopted by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors. Board members may vote by proxy if they are unable to attend the meeting.
The Board may adopt and amend bylaws for the efficient administration of PILA policies. Bylaws may be adopted or amended by a majority vote of the Board, where a quorum is present. To be considered for adoption or amendment, a proposed bylaw must be presented in writing by a Director, to every Board member at or before any Board meeting. If a quorum is present, the Board may vote on the proposed bylaw at the initial meeting. If a majority of the Board chooses to vote on the proposed bylaw at a later meeting, written notice of the date of the vote must be given to all Board members at least three days prior to the meeting. Board members may vote by proxy if they are unable to be present for the final vote.
ARTICLE XIII: Awarding PILA Grants.
Students shall receive a PILA Grant if they meet the requirements set forth in the Bylaws for receiving a grant.
Approved November 2015.
Amended September 16, 2020.
Name: Public Interest Law Association
Address: University of Virginia School of Law
580 Massie Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903
ARTICLE II: Purpose.
PILA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of public interest law at the University of Virginia School of Law. Toward this end, PILA sponsors various events to create a supportive community of students interested in pursuing public interest law as a career or on a pro bono basis, to nurture the development of public interest law, and to educate the community at large of the importance of public interest legal work. Some of the events that PILA sponsors raise funds toward public interest law summer fellowships (known as PILA Grants). These grants are distributed to first- and second-year law students at the University of Virginia School of Law who are pursuing qualifying public sector employment and have demonstrated strong commitment to public service through pro bono and public service hours.
ARTICLE III: Membership.
PILA considers all currently enrolled law students who participate in PILA functions, and who support public service legal careers and other legal pro bono work, as members. All currently enrolled law students who have received PILA Grants are automatically considered members of PILA.
ARTICLE IV: Non-Discrimination.
PILA does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, veteran status, family medical or genetic information, or gender identity or expression. PILA also does not endorse any such discriminatory practices of organizations for which PILA Grant recipients choose to work during their fellowship summer.
ARTICLE V: Managing Board of Directors.
All Directors participate in the creation, revision, and administration of PILA policy. Directors must be officially registered students at the University of Virginia School of Law. Positions are set forth and described below, and may be added or amended as the Board deems necessary. More specific descriptions may be included in the PILA Bylaws. Managing Board positions include:
1. President (1). The President shall manage the administrative affairs of PILA in an organized and efficient manner. To this end, he or she shall institute and facilitate internal policies and practices that ensure the operation of PILA in a professional manner. The President shall also maintain the institutional records, files, and correspondence of PILA. The President shall keep track of the number of hours worked by grantees as well as enforcing grant forfeiture repayment policy. He/she also runs the Board selection process. In addition, the President shall act as general representative of PILA when necessary and appropriate.
2. Vice President/ Treasurer (1). The VP/Treasurer shall oversee all matters related to accounting of PILA finances in a responsible, efficient, and accurate manner. The VP/Treasurer shall keep the Board informed periodically of all funds and resources available to PILA and shall prepare appropriate financial reports whenever necessary. In addition, the VP/Treasurer shall maintain all financial records, files, and correspondence relating to PILA expenditures and receipts.
3. Auction Directors (7). The Auction Directors shall coordinate, promote, and manage all aspects of the annual Benefit Auction fundraiser. It is at the discretion of the Auction Committee or the outgoing Managing Board of Directors to select a Lead Auction Director. The entire Auction Committee shall keep the Board regularly informed of the status of the Auction throughout the year, including Auction expenses, and shall maintain all Auction records and files. In addition, the Auction Directors shall continually research and implement improvements to the Auction and its planning process.
4. Grants Director (1). The Grants Director shall coordinate and oversee the PILA Grant selection and disbursement processes for first- and second-year law students. The Disbursement Director shall, with the Public Service Center and Law School Foundation, obtain information necessary to propose an appropriate value for fellowships and other disbursement policies, and represent PILA during the grant award process. The Grants Director shall maintain accurate records of the number and status of grant recipients, keeping the Board apprised of such information.
5. Membership Directors (8). The Membership Directors shall propose and organize events to create a supportive community of students to encourage and educate about the pursuit of public interest law as a career or on a pro bono basis. It is at the discretion of the Membership Committee or the outgoing Managing Board of Directors to select a Lead Membership Director. The Membership Directors shall organize forums for students interested in public interest law to meet each other and discuss issues involving public interest law. The Membership Directors shall lead and oversee the 1L Representatives Committee and will implement and oversee other Membership Committees. The Membership Directors shall also lead and oversee the public service mentoring program. The Membership Committee shall oversee the organization and implementation of the Alternative Spring Break program. The Membership Committee’s programming may include revenue-raising events.
ARTICLE VI: Elections.
1. Eligibility. All applicants for Board positions must be registered as law students at the University of Virginia. Rising second- and third-year law students are eligible for all Board positions, except that there shall be a strong preference that both the second- and third-year classes be represented on the Board. In addition, there shall be a strong preference that the Board contains members from diverse student groups and programs. Individuals who have not made a good faith effort to satisfy outstanding obligations to PILA may be deemed by the Board to be ineligible for a Board position.
2. Terms of Office. The term of office for all Board members shall officially be a term of fourteen months, spanning from March/April of the election year to May of the following year.
3. Transition Period. The period from March/April to May shall be deemed a transition period where the outgoing Board finishes its responsibilities and the incoming Board begins to assume operational control. During the transition period, the outgoing Board retains responsibility for the Pledge Drive, the current year’s Disbursement Process, Admitted Students Day, and current committees. During this period, the two Boards shall meet together, with the incoming Board assuming control of all other areas of PILA activity. Both incoming and outgoing Board members shall have an equal vote during this period.
4. Procedure for Election. Applications for Board positions shall be made available to all members of the law school community. The current Board of Directors shall select new Board members from the pool of applicants by either voice vote or secret ballot.
5. Procedure for Removal. If three or more Board members feel that a Board member is not performing his or her duties adequately, the matter shall be discussed at the next full Board meeting. Written notice shall be given to the Board member in question at least seven days prior to the discussion of the matter. A Board member shall be removed from office if after discussions of the matter, 2/3 or more of the Board vote for removal.
6. Resignation from Board. If a Board member wishes to resign from office, he or she shall be required to continue his or her duties until a suitable replacement has been made.
7. Interim Elections. If a Board member is voted out of office or resigns, a call may immediately be made to the members of PILA and the general student body to find a replacement. The Board may expediently select a new Board member from all eligible applicants. Any new Board member’s term shall expire in May of the current school year.
ARTICLE VII: Committees.
The Board may create temporary or standing committees. Once created, such committees shall meet and conduct business regularly and report the status of their activities to the Board. Committees may be created or abolished by a majority vote of the Board. Committee membership may consist of any law students eligible for membership in PILA. PILA committees may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
1. Auction Committee(s). One or more Auction Committee(s) may be created as needed. The committee will usually consist of the Auction Directors and students who want to help with the Auction. The committee(s) will usually, but need not, consist of one or more Auction Directors. However, one or more Auction Directors must oversee the Committee(s). The Committee(s) must ensure that their activities and goals are consistent with PILA’s mission.
2. Membership Committee(s). One or more Membership Committee(s) may be created as needed. The committee will usually consist of the Membership Directors and students who want to help with Membership activities. The committee(s) will usually, but need not, consist of one or both Membership Directors. However, one or more Membership Directors must oversee the Committee(s). The Committee(s) must ensure that their activities and goals are consistent with PILA’s mission. The Committee(s) may engage in fundraising activities as appropriate.
3. First-Year PILA Committee. At least one Representative from each 1L section shall be chosen to represent the section on the First-Year PILA Committee. The Committee will meet as needed. The Representatives will disseminate information to their sections, solicit Auction donations, and participate in other activities to foster the public service community at University of Virginia School of Law. The Membership Directors shall oversee the Committee. The Board shall decide the structure for the following school year before leaving for the summer and communicate it to relevant parties, including the Head Peer Advisors.
1. Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have regular meetings, preferably once per month, but no less than twice per semester.
2. Quorum. At least 2/3 of the Board of Directors must be present to constitute a quorum for a transaction of PILA business.
3. Membership Meetings. General meetings of the members may be called at any time, with sufficient advance notice.
ARTICLE IX. Finances.
The VP/Treasurer shall account for all PILA finances. Directors who oversee fundraising events must submit a financial summary of each event they conduct to the VP/Treasurer and other Board members who request it. The VP/Treasurer shall work closely with the Law School Foundation Treasurer to obtain information regarding other monies NOT associated fundraising activities, including but not limited to: interest payments, IOLTA money, Equal Justice Works (formerly NAPIL) subsidies, matching funds, and forfeited grants.
1. Dues. No dues shall be required of any Board member or general member of PILA.
2. Financial Records and Accounts. PILA’s fiscal year shall begin on March 15. All monies collected in the fiscal year ending March 14 shall be used to fund PILA Grants for the upcoming summer, as well as expenses incurred during that fiscal year. The VP/Treasurer shall maintain records of the yearly revenue and expenses of PILA, reconciling these records with those kept by the Law School Foundation.
3. Deposits. Revenue collected from all fundraising activities and donations from any source shall be immediately deposited with the VP/Treasurer. The VP/Treasurer shall record such revenue and deliver it to the Law School Foundation Treasurer immediately.
4. Procedures for Expenditures. Proposed expenditures (other than minimal copy expenses and basic office supplies) shall be presented to and approved by the PILA VP/Treasurer, President, and relevant Board members prior to making such expenditures. The Director requesting such expenditures shall make a complete record of all expenditures for fundraising, social, and all other PILA events.
5. Report of Expenses. The VP/Treasurer shall prepare a summary of all major expenses as they are incurred, and report this information at each regular Board meeting.
ARTICLE X: Amendments.
Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be presented in writing at or before any Board meeting. The proposed amendments shall be discussed and any necessary revisions to the proposed amendments shall be made. After the initial meeting, a written copy of the proposed amendments shall be distributed to all Board members, along with written notice of the date of the final vote. The notice of vote and copy of the proposed amendment must be given to all Board members at least four days prior to the date of the final vote. Proposed amendments shall be adopted by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors. Board members may vote by proxy if they are unable to attend the meeting.
The Board may adopt and amend bylaws for the efficient administration of PILA policies. Bylaws may be adopted or amended by a majority vote of the Board, where a quorum is present. To be considered for adoption or amendment, a proposed bylaw must be presented in writing by a Director, to every Board member at or before any Board meeting. If a quorum is present, the Board may vote on the proposed bylaw at the initial meeting. If a majority of the Board chooses to vote on the proposed bylaw at a later meeting, written notice of the date of the vote must be given to all Board members at least three days prior to the meeting. Board members may vote by proxy if they are unable to be present for the final vote.
ARTICLE XIII: Awarding PILA Grants.
Students shall receive a PILA Grant if they meet the requirements set forth in the Bylaws for receiving a grant.
Approved November 2015.
Amended September 16, 2020.